
On Boarding

Along with keeping different types of horses, Ms. Shambo also have the benefit of veterinary and health care experiences. I am proficient as a veterinary assistant, emergency protocol, triage procedures and post-procedure treatments. Unfortunately horses are not equipped with bubble wrap and occasionally find their way into trouble. Though this happens very rarely, in the event it does happen I will be able to give either emergency treatment or be able to help your horse back to recovery so that you can rest easy and let me carry your stress.

Ms. Shambo is also sensitive to your horse's dietary needs. Starting at my time in Cazenovia College, I have learned a lot about nutritional requirements for various work loads and types of horse. This is a constant development. One that is supported by Blue Seal representatives and self study via scientific and peer reviewed publications.

12' Aisle

10' x 12' Rubber matted, wood bedding Box Stall

Spacious 72' x 135' Indoor Arena 80' x 125' Outdoor Arena

Wood and Electric

Group and Private Turnout paddocks

Outdoor and Indoor Wash Rack


Twisted Tree provides care and management to a level that is hard to compare with a typical boarding barn. Here normal maintenance and upkeep are managed for you. This is a step that ensures your horse's health and wellness, even against the other boarded or visiting animals that may not benefit from the same degree of care.

Deworming regiment is provided every 8 weeks, and controlled on a cycle of rotating deworming drugs. Boarding here means you don't have to consider and decide what drug to use. It also means every horse is dewormed at the same time.

Farrier lists are kept and managed by Ms Shambo. In this process Ms Shambo will assign your horse to a set schedule of care. Each horse's needs will be addressed and serviced by an approved farrier. Under this service Ms Shambo personally handles each horse being worked on for the farrier. You will not need to worry about rough handling or the horse being rowdy for the farrier. No hurt feelings, and everything gets done smoothly.

Spring Shots is also managed by TTS. Rabies and Coggins are required upon entrance to the barn. West Nile, Potomac, Flu, Rhino, Strangles are just a few that are strongly recommended for at risk horses (those who travel for competition or recreational use). All of which is address before annual vaccination schedule, and provided by a TTS approved veterinarian.

Supplements provided by the owner or leaser will be dutifully fed out by Ms Shambo at every grain feeding. Some supplements that can be acquired at the local feed supplier may be purchased and fed out by TTS. No problems, no worries.